Monday, August 31, 2009

The Simple Life

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and I was restless. My husband is content with spending his down time fishing, watching sports, eating or sleeping. His weeks are extremely long and filled with interaction. Mine are much quieter.

Economics and location play a major factor in our leisure activities. We lived 20 miles from town and have one income. Most of the time, I enjoy this simple life.

Sunday, my social butterfly wanted to flit.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


We plant tomatoes in the spring and dream of enjoying the first ripe fruit. Some gardeners even think that if one plant is good, 20 would be better. Next thing you know, there isn't time to enjoy that red juicy beauty or tiny zucchini because they are spilling over your counter tops.

Life can be that way sometimes. Invitations to gatherings and vacations plans seem to collide while other months can go by without any activities. Even during times of abundance, taking time to savor each moment will fill you with gratitude.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Live Life Large

Always one to conserve my pennies, I had requested Molly Wizenberg's book A Homemade Life through our MN library network instead of ordering from Amazon.

From her blog Orangette to the publication of a book to the opening of a restaurant, Molly and her husband Brandon are fearless and funny.

Life lesson for today. Keep your sense of humor and be fearless in pursuit of your passions.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Blogging has been called the highest form of narcissism. I tend to agree. Where once we had a private diary or journal, we now have a plethora of social media tools.

For today's entry I am reminded of another blogger named Julie. Portrayed by Amy Adams in the movie Julie and Julia, Julie Powell has been labeled by some critics as whiny and self absorbed. Yet aspiring writers are told to write what they know. But what we know as an individual can also be universal.

My hope is that you can identify with some of my experiences and emotions. I'll try not to whine.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Just one more minute of restful sleep. That is all I am thinking about this morning.

For the third time this summer, poison ivy is raging war between me and sleep. During the day, I can medicate and keep my mind occupied. But under the covers, the gloves come off. The warm, moist air drives "Ivy" wild and sleep suffers.

Can't wait to see how she likes chlorine!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ready, Set...Write

Set the timer, check. Limbered up my fingers, check. Organized my thoughts... hmmm.

Organized. I remember that word. Back before I had so much free time, there were a lot more anal activities scheduled into my days. As I age, enjoying life seems more like really living than pristine rooms. It's not that we live in squalor but there are usually projects left on flat surfaces and plenty of pet hair that escapes the vacuum.

Sometimes, seeing an decorating article in a magazine will re-ignite my dormant domestic fire. Or a visit to a friend's well appointed and spotless home. Then I remember that a place for everything and everything in it's place takes time away from my other interests, like going for a walk. My minute's up. Now where is that leash?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Today, Deb led the fitness classes solo. She did very well and received compliments from some members.

I am glad she is getting a warm reception and have tried to make the transition smooth. When we first talked about her interest in teaching, I joked that it wouldn't bother me if the participants ended up liking her better, but I forgot about my ego.

Guess it's time to go back to school. First class, Psychology 101. Hey Sigmund, got a minute?

Why Write

Julia Cameron, author of The Artist's Way encourages the exercise of writing morning pages. A basic tool consisting of three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness done upon waking. They are intended for the writer's eyes only whereas this blog will give you a brief glimpse into my life.

I've experienced the frenetic pace of a New York minute and have laid back in Mexico, while minutes crawled. My Minnesota minutes will be whatever thoughts I can write in just one minute.

Welcome to my ramblings.