Sunday, August 29, 2010

Finish Line

An entire year of my daily observations written in under a minute has ended. You may not know me any better but I feel like I know more about myself.

I can live fairly well on less, I am stronger both mentally and physically than I thought and I need to make choices regarding where I expend my energies. I try to decide which problem, relationship or activity will benefit from my attention and which will just be draining.

Staying true to my authentic self and engaging life with an open heart.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Post Bocce Pains

It may be a small ball, but it's not light. Do I call a chiropractor or my massage therapist on Monday?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Can't Alway Get What You Want

Less money, one less cell phone, a firm 10 hrs a day, no more dental insurance, paying for gas to FF and back but we get to spend Fridays together. Today, new tires to keep him safe on the commute.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Late nights and lots of driving or sitting left me disjointed, literally. Today is the first day I feel good again in my skin.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Karen Garmin had a couple of TIA's during the road trip which caused some anxiety on Stephen's part. I guess skyscrapers act like canyons to block satellite signals. Although she sent me down the wrong exit in Mpls, I think my first workout last night with Jillian Michaels was more distasteful.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back to Work

Hard to rise and shine but needed to jump back into the routine.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Let's Go

Up, out the door and back on the road. Looking forward to lunch with Kathy. Glad Glenn made arrangements to work from home so he will be there to greet me.